Wanderer in Shadowlands

All who wander are not lost - JRR Tolkien

Location: Aurora, Colorado, United States

Thursday, October 05, 2006

The Desire To Journey

Can we take a ride? Get out of this place while we still have time. - Jimmy Eat World, Work

I really want to get in my car, pick a direction, and just drive. I don't think I would stop until I hit a coastline or border. It's not that my life is horrible or anything and I want to get away from it. My life is actually rather pleasant. I have a decent job (it's just rather boring), I have a great group of friends, an amazing girlfriend, lots of food, a place to live, even a car I really like. I just want something else in there too. I want an adventure. I don't really care how it turns out, I just want something different.

I think it is because I feel as if my life is in a holding pattern. I can only take so many classes a semester because I have to work full time, so my degree is taking awhile to get done. I am not ready to get married, and every time I have tried to get a ministry job, it seems to fall through. I know I am supposed to keep at it, it just all seems to be waiting for something.

Maybe it is just part of me rebelling against the acceptance of an "adult" lifestyle. On the other hand, I am only 22, I feel I should get a little more time to live on the edge too. Hopefully here in the next 12 months, a friend and I will get to go on a road trip. If not, I may just save and take a month off and just go. It is almost as if it is a right of passage for me, a chance to accept what my life will be next. Every major change in my life has had a road trip in it; Going to college, getting a second chance with the girl I love, leaving school (one of the harder decisions I have had to make), even my grandmother's funeral; all have involved a road trip. It may be that I want this trip, this adventure, so I can make the transition to the next step in my life mentally. It may be this desire for an adventure is what I need so that I can be successful in my ministry to others. I just know that soon, I have to take this trip.

If any of you ever have this desire, take the time to do it. Even if its just a short thing. Give yourself a chance to get away and move. Give yourself a chance to reflect and regenerate away from it all. Give yourself a chance to grow.

In other news...
I have been writing more again. I have done a couple of new poems, experiments really, I think they suck but I may post them and some of my old ones up here. I have also been working on writing a novel. Sort of a super-hero story with a twist, a little darker of a story meant to convey some hope. I may post a chapter or two if people seem interested.

Speaking of Heroes I love the new NBC show. I am such sucker for super-hero stories it ridiculous. I am really excited to see the story progress. The acting so far has been solid and believable. The raw human emotion in the characters stories really helps the show come to life. And the subtle introductions of powers and the confusion of the people who have them is great, cause if one day I could move time back a second I would freak out too. And its always nice to see people, even fictional ones realize they are a part of something bigger and that their lives have meaning. It is worth watching. 9/8c on NBC.


Blogger raj said...

wooo! road trip.

that will be all.

10:35 PM  
Blogger Amanda said...

I think you might already have a roadtrip scheduled in May!! (You have to come pick me up form school!) A roadtrip does sound nice though....

9:25 AM  
Blogger none said...

A road trip sounds like so much fun. Bryan and I may take one if we have the money and if the timing is good.
Too many if's and maybe's. But we'll try to make it work.
Here's hopin for a getaway...

12:23 PM  
Blogger none said...

time for a new post.

3:56 PM  
Blogger none said...

It's nearing the middle of December...

2:50 PM  
Blogger none said...

You need to blog. This has become very sad in the blogging realm.

And I need your address.

7:58 AM  
Blogger none said...

Merry Christmas, Jonathan.

7:57 AM  
Blogger none said...

Hey, are you still dating Meghan? If you are, even if you aren't, could I get her email address from you?
I would really appreciate it. Thanks -and happy new year. Hope you're well.

3:25 PM  
Blogger raj said...

hey man,

you've come to mind a couple of times this week, but it's always too late to call. call me sometime. it would be nice to catch up again.

1:22 AM  
Blogger none said...

you're never going to blog again, are you?

6:47 PM  

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